The Graduated Approach at Norcot

When we identify a child as requiring additional provision because of their Special Educational Needs, we need to follow the Graduated Approach as detailed in the SEND Code of Practice which includes as Assess, Plan, Do and Review continuous cycle. This is completed in partnership with parents.

Assess: Identify the strengths and barriers to learning for the child.

Plan: Working alongside families, use the assessment

information to make a plan for small steps towards a long-term goal, recording these on our Personalised Education Plans (PEPs)

Do: Support the child using the strategies detailed on the PEPs, providing ideas of how children can be supported at home too.

Review: Reflect on the impact of the support and make a plan for next steps. 

Wave 3 – A child will access Wave Three provision if they required longer term support to meet their developmental needs. The nursery team will work alongside external specialists and the families to adapt the curriculum and the child’s personalised education plan to ensure they reflect the child’s strengths and address their barriers to learning. Progress towards the targets would be shared on tapestry and these would be reviewed with the family on a termly basis.

Wave 2 – A child will access Wave Two provision if they weren’t making progress despite the quality first teaching and support offered in Wave One. The child’s strengths and barriers to learning will be identified and working alongside the families a Personalised Education Plan (PEP) created with clear, achievable targets for the nursery team to focus on. Progress towards the targets will be shared on tapestry and these would be reviewed with the family on a termly basis.

Wave 1 – All children at Norcot will access and progress their learning through our quality first provision. Learning will be shared with families through tapestry and termly progress meetings.

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