British Values

At Norcot, we teach British values as part of Norcot’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curriculum. Fundamental British values are important democratic values. There are many people all over the world who live by democratic values. Each value represents an ideal that is important to communities across the UK. Overall, the goal of these values is to enable people to be part of a democratic society and to help them to look after others around them. As part of this, we


  • Give children the chance to vote for choices in activities.
  • Talk about voting through role-playing voting.
  • Offer children choices so that they have control and power over their lives.
  • Create an environment which is a safe space to share ideas, make mistakes and try again.
  • Value children in their views and opinions, we follow children’s interests when planning activities.
  • Encourage children to make requests and decisions.
  • Support children to understand that they are part of a family, classroom, Norcot and the community.
  • Encourage children to value each other’s views and talk about their feelings, their likes and dislikes.
  • Offer opportunities for children to take turns, share, discuss and collaborate in a range of activities.
  • Encourage children to listen to each other and to value everyone contribution.


  • Create class rules, Norcot rules and discuss why rules are needed
  • Encourage and support children with learning about right from wrong.
  • Help children to understand their own and others’ behaviour and feelings, consequences of their actions.
  • Help children understand how to keep themselves safe and how to resolve conflicts appropriately. Create an environment in which actions are always followed through.
  • Encourage children to take turns, share and cooperate.
  • Children have the opportunity to learn about the jobs of those involved with the rule of law.


  • Provide opportunities to develop children’s self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities.
  • Encourage children to develop a positive sense of themselves, to celebrate their personal achievements.
  • Ensure children know that their questions, ideas and opinions will be valued and respected.
  • Enable children to take on challenges, risks and responsibilities, showing perseverance and resilience.
  • Encourage children to explore their thoughts and feelings with those that they trust.
  • Allow children to develop their independence, follow their own ideas/ interests, have aspiration.
  • Ensure that all children engage in a wide range of activities and are not limited by stereotypes.
  • Encourage children to express their own views and respect the fact that others may have different views.


  • Encourage children to reflect on their similarities/ differences and foster an inclusive approach.
  • Create an environment that includes respects different faiths, cultures, views, ethnicity, LGBTQ+.
  • Provide opportunities to make links with the local community.
  • Ecourage children to see themselves as part of a wider community.
  • Help children to learn about other faiths, cultures, traditions, families, communities and ways of life and to be curious and appreciative.
  • Encourage children to share their own experiences and respond to the experiences of others.
  • Learn about festivals and special days, different types of family units and different occupations.
  • Encourage children to appreciate similarities as well as differences, helping them to build constructive and respectful relationships.

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